Friday, May 15, 2020

Hunger Is Not An Issue Of Charity - 1625 Words

â€Å"Hunger is not an issue of charity. It is an issue of justice† (10 Ways to Stop World Hunger†). Every year, millions of people die all over the world due to disease, war, and old age, but hunger is commonly overlooked. Diseases like cancer are constantly being studied in order to find a cure, but for hunger, there is one cure: food. While charity is essential to fighting hunger in Africa, it only meets short-term needs. It feeds people, clothes them, and gives them shelter, but it does not solve the issue of hunger and the reasons hunger exists. Justice enables social change, strikes the core of the problem, resulting in long-lasting changes, and embraces fundamental human rights. Everyone should have the right to food, the right to not be plagued by the perpetual pursuit of filling that void in their life, the right to be free from longing, and the right to life. Although hunger in Africa continues to persist, there are three viable solutions that would help fight it, allowing hunger to be conquered. Food is a commodity often taken for granted and over 1/9 of people in the world suffer from hunger, especially those in Africa. Hunger is defined by the Oxford English Dictionary as â€Å"the uneasy or painful sensation caused by want of food, craving appetite; the want or scarcity of food in a country† (2015 World Hunger and Poverty Facts†). This problem is often overlooked today as people are unaware of the actual occurrences and effects the lack of food causes and becauseShow MoreRelatedPersuasive Essay On Hunger1358 Words   |  6 PagesPutting a Stop to Hunger There are many things that come to mind when thinking of an important issue that needs addressed nationally, globally, and locally. One issue that I could personally relate to eventually as a future educator, is the problem of hunger in our world. 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When people think of world issues, many do not consider America’s stand point on the ordeal. They are unable to fully comprehend the growing lack of jobs, poverty, hunger, poor health care, and meager education that takes place across the nation. American charity foundations are often eager to jump to the rescue of other countries, but what about the detrimental issues that occur and worsen here every day? In the past, the majority of organizationsRead MoreShould Welfare Be More Charity Impact On Homeless, Hungry, And Many1686 Words   |  7 Pagesâ€Å"HOMELESS, NEED FOOD, MONEY FOR DOCTOR BILLS.† The man was rugged and could obviously use help. His right leg had been amputated, so he definitely needed assistance. One may wonder in this ins tance, â€Å"Where are the charities?† The groups are nowhere to be found. There should be more charity impact on homeless, hungry, and such because of instances like this. 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Many people in poor ruralRead MoreBiography of Nelson Mandela 1355 Words   |  6 Pagesresponds and enhances the freedom of others† says Nelson Mandela. (cite) Mandela lived by these words and showed it in many ways. Nelson Mandela changed the world by ending apartheid, positively influencing others, and creating and supporting multiple charities. (add more information) Nelson Mandela was born on July 18, which is now known as Nelson Mandela day. By being the son of a tribal councilor, Mandela mastered the art of listening; this helped him become a successful leader and peacemaker. He wasRead MoreHass Muslims Against Hunger1334 Words   |  6 PagesZamir Hassan: Muslims Against Hunger A software engineer combats America s hunger crisis â€Å"My goal is to engage Muslims in their communities. I want to change their mindset. They have to live their religion not only practicing it,† confirmed Zamir Hassan, the founder of Muslims Against Hunger in a hotel room in Washington D.C. via Skype video. Hassan is a retired software engineer who grew up in Pakistan and moved to the United States in 1973. He studied at Cornell University, lived in New York,Read MoreHunger And Hunger Related Illnesses1540 Words   |  7 Pagesworld are chronically malnourished. That means that one in nine people do not have enough food to live a healthy lifestyle. This is the biggest problem affecting a considerable amount of the human population. Hunger and hunger related illnesses kill just over 6 millions children a year. Hunger is not partial to race or gender, it’s a problem in all corners of the world, it affects people in even the most developed countries. The more humans progress the more this problem, logically, the more t his problem

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