Wednesday, May 6, 2020

“Code Blue In The Emergency Department, All Personnel To

â€Å"Code blue in the emergency department, all personnel to room three.† These words droned over the loudspeaker, again and again, sending every trained staff member into a state of emergency. Code blue: the signal for an adult medical emergency. In a matter of seconds, the head nurse gave each staff member their orders and like an efficient machine, everyone went straight to work. My instinct was to run. Right in front of my eyes a patient’s heart had ceased to beat. The room filled with urgency as I filled with enough panic I nearly choked on it. With difficulty, I swallowed the lump in my throat containing all my fear and looked to my internship supervisor for instruction. It goes without questioning, nothing can prepare someone for what I†¦show more content†¦In those moments, I wished I hadn’t made it into the internship. I wished I could just sit at a desk and take notes where there was no uncertainty about my skill set in taking vital signs or u se of medical abbreviations. I have always had a passion for medicine, but in that hospital, I was out of my comfort zone. So just like every other morning I spent every morning sitting in fear and contemplation that what I thought was passion and even more, my calling, just wasn’t something I’m cut out for. My supervisor, one of the head nurses, hurriedly pulled me to the corner of the bleach white hospital room and directed me to put on gloves, an eye mask, and a face mask. I felt as if I was preparing for war as I put on all of the required gear. The sound of expensive shoes click-clacked down the hallway indicating the arrival of two doctors who rushed into the room and shouted out orders to the staff while pulling the doors to the room shut along with the curtains. Two doctors, eight nurses, an intern, and a dying patient squeezed into the already claustrophobic ten by fifteen-foot room. The machine monitoring the patient’s vital signs continued to beep incessantly as my heart rate accelerated. Throughout my internship, I had never seen a patient in critical condition until that moment. I remembered my teacher’s advice if we were ever in a situation such as this: take a few deep breaths and sit down if you feel like you’re going to pass out. 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