Monday, September 2, 2019

Personal Narrative- Books Have Greatly Impacted my Life Essay -- Perso

I wasn't interested in books when I was very young, except for an interest in comic books. Maybe that's because I was never really read to consistently. My mother claims to have read to me some when I was younger, but I don't remember it. Giving birth to five kids in seven years, and having one die at three days old, sort of cut into her time for entertaining me with thrilling renditions of The Cat in the Hat. I had to entertain myself with what I could find, and I picked up some basic reading skills from some of the kid's shows on television in the sixties. When I hit that magical age of six and went to elementary school, I was introduced to the first real books I can remember. There I learned about the world of Alice and Jerry, who played all the time and had such a wonderful life. Jerry even had a dog named Spot who sounded like great fun. I always wanted that dog for my very own. And Alice had a beautiful doll with golden hair named Betsy Lee that I wanted, too. Guess what my sister who was born that year was named at my insistence? She's hated me for it ever since, and I can tell you in all honesty, she didn't end up being a doll either. So you see the influence of books had already begun to affect my life even at that age, even though they hadn't gotten into my blood at that point. Rather I did my own thing, and I was much happier just riding my bike, playing dolls with my friends, or reading comic books, which amounted to mostly looking at the pictures. Even before I started school, I remember riding my bike to the local gas station every week to buy a bag of penny candy and a new comic book with money I got from finding soda bottles and trading them in for the nickel deposit. Superman, Spiderman, Aquama... ...nd writing dynamic essays. And as soon as I got home, I had to make myself do my homework first, because I was writing every day by that time. I knew if I started writing fiction first I'd discover the next time I looked up from the computer screen that it was already 4 am. It was the second revelation in a year for me when I realized that I had only one path of study that felt right for me. Writing and books were the only things that ever made me that happy. So now I have college texts instead of comic books. I still love the art that made comics special, but now I have text as well as a passion in my life. And now I have lots of new friends--Dickinson and Foucault and Chopin and so many others. Here I have so many opportunities to read for shared and new insight, and to write to my heart's content. I'm a happy woman. It's like I've come home at last. Personal Narrative- Books Have Greatly Impacted my Life Essay -- Perso I wasn't interested in books when I was very young, except for an interest in comic books. Maybe that's because I was never really read to consistently. My mother claims to have read to me some when I was younger, but I don't remember it. Giving birth to five kids in seven years, and having one die at three days old, sort of cut into her time for entertaining me with thrilling renditions of The Cat in the Hat. I had to entertain myself with what I could find, and I picked up some basic reading skills from some of the kid's shows on television in the sixties. When I hit that magical age of six and went to elementary school, I was introduced to the first real books I can remember. There I learned about the world of Alice and Jerry, who played all the time and had such a wonderful life. Jerry even had a dog named Spot who sounded like great fun. I always wanted that dog for my very own. And Alice had a beautiful doll with golden hair named Betsy Lee that I wanted, too. Guess what my sister who was born that year was named at my insistence? She's hated me for it ever since, and I can tell you in all honesty, she didn't end up being a doll either. So you see the influence of books had already begun to affect my life even at that age, even though they hadn't gotten into my blood at that point. Rather I did my own thing, and I was much happier just riding my bike, playing dolls with my friends, or reading comic books, which amounted to mostly looking at the pictures. Even before I started school, I remember riding my bike to the local gas station every week to buy a bag of penny candy and a new comic book with money I got from finding soda bottles and trading them in for the nickel deposit. Superman, Spiderman, Aquama... ...nd writing dynamic essays. And as soon as I got home, I had to make myself do my homework first, because I was writing every day by that time. I knew if I started writing fiction first I'd discover the next time I looked up from the computer screen that it was already 4 am. It was the second revelation in a year for me when I realized that I had only one path of study that felt right for me. Writing and books were the only things that ever made me that happy. So now I have college texts instead of comic books. I still love the art that made comics special, but now I have text as well as a passion in my life. And now I have lots of new friends--Dickinson and Foucault and Chopin and so many others. Here I have so many opportunities to read for shared and new insight, and to write to my heart's content. I'm a happy woman. It's like I've come home at last.

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