Friday, September 6, 2019

Gantt Chart for Execution of House Construction Essay Example for Free

Gantt Chart for Execution of House Construction Essay The activity of house construction involves many stages which are spread over many months. The case study example taken for the preparation of Gantt chart is selected as it involves various stages and there are many people involved in different activities. These activities are interdependent on the performance of various work groups and can get delayed if not planned and executed timely. Thus I present a Gantt Chart that will assist and ensure effective working in order to obtain the end result as planned. Explanation of Gantt Chart (refer appendix) The overall activity has been planned for a time span of 9 months. The activities have been classified as follows Excavation (A) : This is the first stage where excavation for the house columns needs to be carried out. The lead time for this activity is one month. This is a process which is labor intensive and needs to be completed as per the architectural drawing. Other activities cannot be started before ensuring accuracy of the excavation work as the structure cannot be modified if desired at a later stage. Hence activity B , RCC cannot start before 100 % completion of activity A. In case during this phase it is realized that any delays could be caused in reaching the first milestone then additional workforce or earth moving equipment needs to be outsourced. RCC (B) (Reinforced Cement Concrete) : The lead time for this activity is three months. Once excavation is complete the next stage is of RCC which involves making columns and beams of the house. Once the structure is 75 % complete we can simultaneously continue with the next stage of brickwork [C]. The achievement of this milestone will not hamper activity C but due caution has to be exercised that the activity gets completed by the fourth month form the project starting date as it is the start of activity D and E. Brickwork (C) Along with brickwork the other activities Electrical (D) and Plumbing (E) also need to be commenced upon the completion of stage B and 50 % of stage C as the electrical pipes and fittings need to be covered inside the walls. Similarly toilets and kitchen requires plumbing to be done simultaneously. If the activity deviates from its planned lead time of two months then activity D, E and F will need to be carried out at an increased pace than its actual to cover up for the lag time. Electrical (D)and Plumbing (E) These stages can be executed simultaneously as they are not interdependent on each other . Once these are complete we can move on to the next stage. Plastering (F) After completion of electrical and plumbing work we can start with the internal plastering activity. However external plastering can be carried out when 50 % of stage D and E are complete. This is the third milestone. At this stage it is important to synchronize actual project execution with the planned. Tiling (G) Once plastering is 100 % complete then we can move on to Tiling Flooring work Painting (H) This is the final milestone to be executed after 100 % completion of activity G . Conclusion: Gantt chart gives a clear picture of the stages and helps in noticing any deviations and corrective steps can be implemented which in turn will not disrupt other schedules and help in achieving desired results in a cost effective and efficient manner. The case for buy Vs make is indeed a matter of individual capacities and judgment in the said example. By choosing to make as in the above case the maker gets freedom of choice and taste to suit his own needs. If activities are carried out with due diligence the project would be cost effective. Reference : Gantt Chart- Wikipedia, 19 October 2008, http://en. wikipedia. org/wiki/Gantt_chart

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