Sunday, November 3, 2019

Ethics Review Procedue Assignment 1 Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Ethics Review Procedue Assignment 1 - Essay Example The following discussion attempts to create an understanding of ethics review procedure while documenting all information obtained regarding the process. This paper addresses health insurance policy fraud in the novel, â€Å"Rainmaker† in order to find avenues for developing ethical review decisions. Health insurance policy is a contract between insurers and the insured that in the event insured falls sick all medical bills are paid by the insurer. Many nations are adopting collective health insurance policy in order to enhance equity in the provision of healthcare to ensure a healthy economy and improve economic growth and development. Nonetheless, many unethical people have engaged in fraud through health insurance policies. Being ethical does not only mean engaging in rightful activities but also conforming to requirements of law, standards of behavior, and religious beliefs. Health insurance policy fraud is an unethical conduct as it endangers someone’s life other than acting against requirements of health laws, rules, and regulations. Grisham John’s book â€Å"The Rainmaker† revolves around legal intrigues coupled with highest level of corporate greed. A humble and poor family sues an insurance company for fraud resulting into the son’s death. The company denied the family their insurance claim for funding bone marrow transplant. The family is represented by Rudy Baylor, a jobless young lawyer determined to use this case as a stepping stop into law fraternity. Rudy has been forced to take up the case facing it off with one of the most powerful lawyers in the region, Leo Drummond. Even though Rudy has passed his Tennessee bar, he has never argued before a judge and jury. After the trial process it is decided that the plaintiff is right though they are not paid since the insurance company is declared

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